Remote Writing Retreat

• Do you want to work on a creative project but never get around to it?

• Do you need the discipline and accountability that others can give you?

• Do you want to work in the comfort of your own home, with a schedule that works for you?

10th - 14th June 2024!

This is an at-home remote retreat for people who would like to commit to

five days of writing in a held container with other creatives.

Take a week off work and do what you love!

You are also welcome to find somewhere other than your home to be during this retreat if it helps you to get away.

On this retreat we will:

• Share with others what our project is and what we want to achieve during the retreat

• Create a schedule that works for you

• Write!

• Share our work with each other and give feedback

• Participate in optional extras such as yoga, meditation, and walks

• Restrict our smartphone use

Dates: 10th - 14th June 2024 on zoom

We will meet on Monday 10th

June at 9.30am UK time (BST) to

share what our project is and agree

our schedule.

From then on our daily schedule will look something like this (to be agreed with participants):

9.00am - Yoga / stretch

9.15am - Meditation

9.30am - Begin writing

11.00am - Break

11.30am - Continue writing

1.00pm - Lunch & walk

2.00pm - Continue writing

3.30pm - Conclude writing for the day

4.00pm - Upload work for others to read

4.10pm - Read two entries, giving comments

5.00pm and beyond - Other creative pursuits such as reading, painting, drawing, conversation, pottery (ie. avoid netflix and other dopamine hits / stimulation). You are also welcome to continue writing!

Unsure? Any questions please email


Save hundreds of pounds on normal writing retreat prices but get the same (or

more) amount of writing done!

Sliding scale £150-250 total for the week's container.

Annual income of 30K+ per year

Annual income of over 10K - 30K per year

Unemployed / low income of less than 10K per year

If funds are a barrier to attendance then please get in touch: 

This retreat is not for you if:

  • You're looking for writing tuition or expert guidance on your project

There will be no taught element

to this retreat

This retreat is for you if:

  • You have a project you'd like to undertake but are struggling to give yourself the time and space for it

  • You'd like to start or finish a novel / story / script / memoir / other creative project

  • You need the accountability and presence of others to help you make your dreams a reality


About the facilitator:

My name is Boe Huntress, I've been a facilitator of groups for over ten years. I have a diploma in Group Analysis (a form of group therapy) and teach Group Analysis at two London universities.

I'm also a writer. I have an MA in Creative Writing and I'm currently writing a novel. I've had two short stories published.

My writing practice has been to write my novel during 5 day writing retreat periods, such as this one. I've been holding that container for myself and I'm now ready to hold it for others. I generally write about 10,000 words in 5 days (4.5 hours writing per day), but this will vary person to person and project to project.

Feedback from other events with Boe:

"Boe is a one in a million facilitator" Sophie W (Women’s Group)

“This course was more than I could have hoped for, wise in its simplicity and something about Boe just had me taking the steps gently and easily.” Jezebel (Screen Addition Course)

"Being in this group has been a powerful, transformative experience. I’ve always felt in safe hands, in complete trust and able to grow each time." Lucy (Women’s Group)

”Boe was a fantastic course leader. I felt heard and accepted in the group and it was so good just to know that other people are going through the same struggles. I have been inspired to make changes in my life and I can highly recommend it” Laura H (Screen Addiction Course)

"I have deep gratitude to Boe for providing this much needed and very rare space.”  Bel (Witches Circle)

This was a hugely insightful and multi-layered course that supported me in both seeing, understanding and reflecting my patterns as well as bring the learnings into practice and establish new habits.” Anonymous (Screen Addiction Course)

"To say that this group has been a life-changing experience would actually be an understatement. It has given me the most incredible support network, lifeline in hard times, and a connection to others." Siobahn D (Women’s Group)

“Boe is a wonderful, kind and experienced facilitator, I walked away with a lot of really practical tips and techniques, which I was tangibly able to put into practice. 100% recommend.” Jennifer M (Screen Addiction Course)

This is deeper work than I imagined and well worth it. I cannot recommend it enough and Boe is wonderful!” Lucy N (Screen Addiction Course)

“Well deserving of five stars, and highly recommended” Graham P (Screen Addiction Course)

